How To Write

Improve your writing and learn new skills with our expert advice, essential tips and fun exercises to try at home. Get started with our latest blogs below.

Writing prompt: Obscured view
Explore what’s happening on both sides of these dirty windows in this week’s…

14 June 2024

Creative writing: Writing between two cultures
Novelist Aliya Ali-Afzal talks about exploring a seamless blend of cultures in…

14 June 2024

How to write a poem
Have you ever wanted to write a poem, and not known how to start, or where to…

13 June 2024

Creative non fiction: Get to know the genre
The literary genre uses creative writing techniques to tell true stories –…

13 June 2024

How to write a press release
A well-written and concise press release makes the busy journalist’s life easy,…

12 June 2024

What show don't tell writing actually means
It's one of the first pieces of advice writers come across, but what does 'show,…

11 June 2024

How to write fight scenes
Punch above your weight when it comes to writing fight scenes by following this…

09 June 2024

Writing prompt: Scale it up
Take a basic situation and scale it up in this week’s creative writing exercise

07 June 2024

Creative writing: Using mythology in fiction
Irish novelist Leeanne O'Donnell describes how ancient myths made sense of the…

07 June 2024

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