How To Write

Improve your writing and learn new skills with our expert advice, essential tips and fun exercises to try at home. Get started with our latest blogs below.

Romantic comedy: How to write a rom-com
Author Lauren Ford passes on her top tips about writing light-hearted romance…

05 July 2024

Under the microscope: McCredited
Read James McCreet's rewrite of the extract workshopped in UtM, WM AUGUST 2024

04 July 2024

Writing emotion: How to create an emotional response in your readers
A guide to help you evoke strong feelings in your readers and give your writing…

04 July 2024

Writing prompt: Anticipation
Convey someone waiting for a particular outcome in this week’s creative writing…

28 June 2024

Wartime research: The French Resistance
Martin Walker talks about his special research into resistance history for his…

28 June 2024

Short story ideas to get you writing
Are you looking for an idea for a new short story? Are you in need of…

27 June 2024

Writing prompt: Sunshine
Explore the influence of the sun on a situation in this week’s creative writing…

21 June 2024

Creative writing: The most-asked question for a writer
Novelist Faith Hogan answers the one question about writing that everyone wants…

21 June 2024

Writing in the present tense: The good and the bad
What are the pros and cons of writing a story or novel in present tense?

20 June 2024

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