Creative writing coffee break: write a rainbow


14 September 2017
rainbow-52362.jpg Rainbow Coffee Break Exercise
Be inspired by the colours of the rainbow to create a new piece of creative writing in this 15-minute exercise


Be inspired by the colours of the rainbow to create a new piece of creative writing in this 15-minute exercise

Set your timer for five minutes. Pick a colour of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo or violet.) List five things the colour reminds you of – e.g.

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• Devon Violets perfume
• A velvet dress I owned when I was fifteen
• Plums ripening in an orchard
Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix
• The scissors with rounded ends I owned when I was five

Set the timer for ten minutes. Pick one of the memories and create a flash fiction story or poem. (You can return to this exercise and work on the other colours.)


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