Becoming A Successful Writer

Becoming A Successful Writer

Are you new to writing and wondering how to go about breaking into print? If so, this course can almost certainly help. It will help you find the field for which your own writing talents are best suited, and will show you how to produce the kind of material that editors and publishers in that field demand.

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This is a general overview of the topics covered in this course. However, following the first two assignments your tasks are personalised for you by your tutor based on your personal profile and writing ambitions.

Course Contents

  • Writing successfully for:
    • Writing Novels
    • Writing Short stories
    • Writing Articles
    • Writing Children's books
    • Writing Newspaper columns
  • Focussing on your writing style
  • Exploring your potential markets
  • Legal aspects of writing for profit
    • Copywriting
    • Getting paid
    • Agreements and Rights
    • Publishing contracts

This is a summary of this writing courses main specifications.

Suitable for: ✔ Writers starting out
Starting: Anytime
Pace: At your own pace
Location: Study from home
Max duration: 2 Years
Course type: Tutor led
Delivery: Email or Post
Deadlines: None
Exercises: Personalised for you

Course Description

Becoming a successful writer

Working with your personal tutor, you will be encouraged to try your hand at a whole range of writing skills: writing novels, short stories, magazine articles, children's material, even writing such things as newspaper columns and fillers.

At each stage your course will focus on two aspects:

1. Creative writing
How to remain creative as you develop your writing style and writing techniques

2. Selling your writing
Learn how to market and sell your written material like a pro.

These are the two main areas you will need to master if you are going to succeed in breaking into print.

You will also be guided around the legal aspects of the writing business: copywriting, libel, agreements, rights, publishing contracts even what to do if you have difficulty getting paid for work you have had published. All these things are important for freelance writers, and they can be expensive lessons to learn the hard way.

Course Feedback

I like the encouragement that is given. It is good to hear the voice of experience on your work.

P Acland

I recently completed the Writing Magazine Becoming a Successful Writer course and was delighted to receive my certificate of completion. I found the course both enjoyable and challenging - a lot of hard work, but ultimately very rewarding.

From: Ann Dixon

If there is only one course a would-be writer does, it should be this one!

From: L Bennett

My tutor, Sue Johnson, was great and I found her comments, encouragement and positive criticism extremely helpful. The assignments gave me the chance to try different types of writing and I had to develop a more disciplined approach to my writing to ensure I was able to finish the course within the two years.

From: Anon

Excellent customer service and attentive tutors ready to help you every step on the way to become a better and more confident writer. It was a delightful experience to study with you.

From: Audrey Candida da Silva Wickham

Thank you for the efficient and friendly coordinating of my assignments and feedback. I have really enjoyed the course; I feel that I have learned a lot and it has made me more focused in getting on with my writing.

From: Rhonwen Shaw, Lancashire

Susan's feedback (which was always amazingly quick) was very supportive and helpful; she gently led me to a point where I can cope more easily with letting people read what I have written and can talk about my stories and characters without feeling silly. The article I wrote for my first assignment, which Susan encouraged me to submit to Babel, the magazine I had researched, was published in their November issue which was very exciting and wouldn't have happened without this course.

From: Anon

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