Liars' League invites story submissions for performance nights


13 May 2014
imports_WRI_0-629tvrfa-100000_14655.jpg Liars' League invites story submissions for performance nights
Short stories will be performed at events in Leicester, Hong Kong and New York ...
Short stories will be performed at events in Leicester, Hong Kong and New York
Liars League is a themed monthly fiction night where professional actors read new short stories from writers around the world, with franchises in London, Leicester, Hong Kong and New York. All performed stories are filmed in HD for YouTube and podcast for free download. In March Liars' League was included in the Guardian's top ten storytelling nights in the UK.
The upcoming themes and deadlines are:
• Stories about night and day (800-1,200 words) for Liars' League Hong Kong by 18 May. Email subs to [email protected]
• Stories with the theme of young and foolish (800 to 2,000 words) for Liars' League Leicester by 31 May. Email subs to [email protected]
• Stories on the theme of analogue and digital (800 to 3,000 words) for Liars' League NYC by 30 June. Email subs to [email protected]
Liars' League holds regular auditions for readers. Writers interested in reading their own stories might like to read Diana Cambridge's advice in the May issue of WM.

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