How to sell your work

Read more, write better - Writing Magazine bonus content, July 2020
Background reading, exclusive audio extracts and more to complement your latest…

27 May 2020

How to write a non-fiction book proposal
How to write an outline, book proposal and introductory letter that shows agents…

04 March 2020

How to write a novel synopsis
Writing your novel synopsis presents writers with particular challenges. Here’s…

24 February 2020

Read more, write better - Writing Magazine bonus content, March 2020
Background reading, exclusive audio extracts and more to complement your latest…

29 January 2020

Writing Magazine roundup of 2019
Start your new writing year right with some of the past year's best advice from…

03 January 2020

Read more, write better - Writing Magazine bonus content, February 2020
Background reading, exclusive audio extracts and more to complement your latest…

02 January 2020

How to put together a book proposal submission package
What goes into your submission package to agents or publishers?

23 December 2019

How to format a self-published book
Your self-published book should look as professional as possible to impress…

12 July 2019

How to get article commissions and please magazine editors
Skin Deep editor Sion Smith tells us what editors want from freelances

11 May 2019

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