Coffee-break exercise: Who lives here?


18 November 2022
This week, imagine the inhabitants of this higgledy-piggledy home.
  • Who lives in this house?
  • What are their names?
  • What do they look like?
  • What are the dimensions of the house and how do they affect the people inside?
  • What’s the atmosphere like in the house?
  • How are the rooms decorated?
  • Write a story or poem about the people who live in this house.
Fuel your imagination wherever you are with this 10-minute coffee break exercise.

To get the most out of the exercise, set your timer for 10 minutes and just start writing until the buzzer goes.

  • Don't stop to think.
  • Don't worry about getting it right.
  • Don't worry about spelling or grammar.
  • Don't worry if your ideas sound crazy.
  • Concentrate on filling the space with words. The tidying up can be done later.
Join our coffee-break writing challenge 

We'd like to invite you to send in your story or poem inspired by this exercise. Every month, we will be choosing 4 of the best pieces to publish in our newsletter.  

Click here to email us your piece.


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