A New Beginning By Melanie Rowsell-Docherty
Hi Mum, I picked up the keys no problem and I'm in. The place looks great! I’ve got loads of unpacking to do so I'll message you later.
To Do List
- Unpack
- Organise internet provider
- Email Lauren
- Find local takeaways
- Look for a job
Dear Diary,
I can’t believe I'm finally here! My own house, well flat but a place just for me. Freedom!
Oh crap, it looks like that light’s on the blink already, not a great start. And is that shelf wonky or is it my eyes? Eww, a spider! I think I need to give this place a jolly good clean. Anyway I’m here and that’s all that matters. I'll start unpacking properly tomorrow, that’s if I can find which box I shoved my begging into! Doh, why didn’t I label anything?
No Mum, I’m fine. Just busy setting things up. And yes, I've been to the shops already. I’m making fish and chips for tea actually.
Your Favourite Plaice
1 x Small haddock £5.55
1x small chips £1.25
1x curry sauce £1.10
To Do List
- Unpack
- Organise internet provider
- Email Lauren
- Find local takeaways
- Look for job
- Buy lightbulbs
- Buy cleaning products
- Find supermarket and alternative takeaways
Sorry I didn’t text back last night, I was knackered from unpacking, but yes, I survived the night on my own! Stop worrying Mum!
To the Occupier,
Your Council Tax is due.
Charge Due Tax Band A 01-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2023 £1,013.32
Payment Instructions:
The below amounts will be taken from your account via direct debit.
01-Apr-2022 £89.32
01-May-2022 £84.00
Hi Mum, You wouldn’t mind subbing me £100 would you? Just until I get paid. Much appreciated.
Thank you for shopping at BUDGET
2 x Smart Home LED Light Bulbs £4.99
1 x BuzzOff Insect Control Spray £5.59
1x Budget Disinfectant Spray £0.59
1 x Budget Dish Cloths (12) £0.37
1x Budget Sparkling Wine £0.35
Total £12.23
BuzzOff Insect Control Spray
Warning! - Do not spray in small spaces. May cause wheezing.
To: [email protected]
Subject: New Beginnings
Hey Lauren,
Thanks again for organising my leaving party. It was such a blast! I’m missing you all so much already, but I’m settling in well. The apartment’s a bit basic but I’ll have it fixed up in no time. Plus I spied a fit looking bloke in the hallway earlier. I think he lives in the flat above, so who knows, maybe this is the fresh start I need to get over Johnny. I’m raising a sparkling toast in your absence! Cheers Em x
Dear Miss E Murphy,
Thank you for joining FastNET.
Your new phone line and internet will be connected in the next …47…days.
An initial payment of … £157.56 … has been debited from your account.
Thanks again for choosing us as your provider.
Yours sincerely
Dear Diary
Okay, so maybe Mum was right. A few more months saving before I jumped ship would have been helpful, but it’ll definitely be worth it once I’m settled in properly. God that bug spray is awful, it’s still up my nose! And I wish I’d asked Dad how to change a lightbulb before I left. These sodding ones don’t fit, so that was a waste of money! Who’d have thought there would be so many different types to choose from. I could have bought a family sized pizza for the same price! Anyway, onwards and upwards as they say, at least I think that’s what you say.
To Do List
- Unpack
- Organise internet provider
- Email Lauren
- Find local takeaways
- Look for job!!
- Buy lightbulbs - Different ones!
- Buy cleaning products
- Find supermarket and alternative takeaways
1 x Chicken Jalfrezi £7.95
1 x Pilau Rice £2.75
1 x Garlic Naan £3.25
Hi Mum, All good here. I had curry for supper. It wasn’t as good as yours though. Could you put another £150 into my account please, just to keep me going. I’ve had to pay upfront to get the net connected, and I don’t get paid until the end of the month. Could you also send on my asthma inhaler? I seem to be a bit wheezy today. I’m fine though, no need to worry. Thanks.
To Do List
- Unpack
- Organise internet provider
- Email Lauren
- Find local takeaways
- Look for job!! GET JOB ASAP!!!!
- Buy lightbulbs - Different ones!
- Buy cleaning products
- Find supermarket and alternative takeaways
- Buy real food - Takeaways are too expensive!
To: [email protected]
Subject: New Beginnings
Hey Lauren,
I can’t believe you’ve met someone! I’m well jealous. When do I get to meet the lucky man?
No news on this front. I haven’t seen the bloke above me since I moved in, and I’m pretty sure I heard a female voice up there, but I'm still hoping! No luck on the job front yet. I know, I know. I’m going for an audition tomorrow though, so fingers crossed! But if you bump into Mum please don’t say anything. She thinks I've already started and she’ll only worry. I’m sure my lucky break will come along soon.
Bye for now, Em x
Dear Diary
So I’m chuffed for Lauren, she deserves to be happy after all she’s been through, but it just reminds me how lonely I am without Johnny anymore. I’ll never forgive him for what he did, but I just can’t help missing him. Is that so wrong? I forgot how much I relied on him for things like the grocery shopping and cooking evening meals. I guess I better start learning to cook for myself now, at least until I get a decent job, and can afford takeaways again. Something easy to start with, maybe something on toast? Beans maybe? Right, off to the shops!
Thank you for shopping at BUDGET
1 x Budget Sliced White Bread £0.34
1 x Budget Baked Beans (4pk) £0.75
1 x Lou & Perkins Worcestershire Sauce £1.50
4 x E27 Incandescent Light Bulbs £9.99
Beans on Toast
Serves 2
2 slices of bread
2 tbsp butter
400g tin of baked beans
1. Place bread in a toaster.
2. Heat up beans in the microwave.
3. Spread butter on toast.
4. Arrange beans on top of toast.
5. Enjoy!
Optional: (Add worcestershire sauce for extra flavour if you’re feeling adventurous!)
Dear Diary
Okay, so I may have forgotten to purchase a toaster, or a microwave, or even a tin opener, but I could have sworn tins all came with ring pulls these days. Apparently not the ones from Budget, no wonder they were so cheap! All is not lost though, without my rookie error, I would never have discovered the delight of what I’m now going to refer to as, WosterBread! Who’d have thought, Worcestershire sauce drizzled on bread could taste this good! Nothing more, nothing less, WosterBread! It has a certain ring to it don’t you think? I must remember to share the recipe with Lauren. She’ll think I’ve gone bonkers! Oh and just for the record, the new bulbs I bought today still don't fit, so I'm going to have to call Dad and ask his advice. So much for being independent, although I can't say I haven't tried. Anyway I guess I better go research how much more money I’m going to have to spend before I can attempt a decent meal.
To Do List
- Unpack
- Organise internet provider
- Email Lauren
- Find local takeaways
- Look for job!! GET JOB ASAP!!!!
- Buy lightbulbs - Different ones! Ask Dad about lightbulbs
- Buy cleaning products
- Find supermarket and alternative takeaways
- Buy real food - Takeaways are too expensive!
- Research cost of toaster, microwave, and tin opener!
Pink Retro Digital Microwave £99.99
800W Standard 20L Microwave £80.00
Four Slice Toaster - Chrome £37.00
Two Slice Black Plastic Toaster £23.55
Electronic Counter-top Tin opener £27.99
Hands Free Magic Can Opener £25.00
Dear Diary,
This is getting stupid! Who in their right mind would pay 25 quid for a tin opener? Why is everything so damn expensive!! I really have to do well in this audition. I need a job ASAP! No pressure!
No further enquiries thank you.
Hi Mum, Job is going well thanks. Everyone is lovely. Great to hear you bumped into Lauren and her new bloke. I’ll email her later.
To: [email protected]
Subject: New Beginnings
Hey Lauren,
Thanks for keeping schtum about my lack of a job today. It must have been really awkward for you, sorry! Mum says you looked super happy with Steve though. I hope it’s going well. My audition went great today, my best performance yet! But it was crazy busy so I doubt I'll hear back for a while. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I’ll keep you updated. Em x
Due to staff sickness the jobcentre will be closed until further notice.
To: [email protected]
Subject: New Beginnings
Hey Lauren,
I forgot to ask yesterday if you know anyone who has a microwave or toaster going spare?
Thanks. Em x
Please try again tomorrow (12-2pm)
Hi Mum, Thought I’d pop home this weekend. There’s a few more things I need to pick up. Will you be making Sunday roast?
Judges Comments
A laugh-out-loud comic tale in the cost-of-living crisis, 'A New Beginning' by Melanie Rowsell-Docherty was a shoe-in as the runner up in WM's Epistolary Short Story Competition. By way of SMS messages, emails and in particular a repeated list, the hapless Em's accounts of her attempts to set up her own home are constantly thwarted by unexpected costs.
Using the epistolary form to present a running gag with a repeat theme, Melanie shows us how, with each new message or list, every time poor Em seems about to be on the up, another expense or bill acts as a setback. It's really well conceived and well-handled as a structure.
The careful plotting and clever concept would, though, be redundant if Melanie hadn't created a central character that we root for, and Em's exchanges with her mum, her friend and the list (which is such a well-created device that it gets another mention!) show her to be charming and funny, so we root for her in sympathy as she tries to maker her way through a relatable financial morass.
'A New Beginning' has been written with a light touch, but it's a immensely relatable story at a time when so many people are struggling to get by, and it really does strike a chord as well as raise a smile.