All Write! Sunny Side Up Writing Group (Stratford-Upon-Avon)
Over 50 & living in Stratford? This could be the group for you! All Write! was set up in Oct 2016 and is held every other Thursday (10am - 12pm). It's run by an experienced tutor and is open to all, from published writers to those yet to start. Fun, constructive criticism & encouragement to write, plus occasional talks from experts. First session free and then £5 per session, incl. refreshments.
Over 50 & living in Stratford? This could be the group for you! All Write! was set up in Oct 2016 and is held every other Thursday (10am - 12pm). It's run by an experienced tutor and is open to all, from published writers to those yet to start. Fun, constructive criticism & encouragement to write, plus occasional talks from experts. First session free and then £5 per session, incl. refreshments.