19 December 2019
"Ellie Kennedy, realising she was in danger of spending the rest of her life just watching TV and eating things that were not very good for her when plonked in front of it decided to run away from her sofa. It was a hard decision as they'd been together for several years and their relationship had reached the stage of "comfortable".
"Ellie Kennedy, realising she was in danger of spending the rest of her life just watching TV and eating things that were not very good for her when plonked in front of it decided to run away from her sofa. It was a hard decision as they'd been together for several years and their relationship had reached the stage of "comfortable".
As soon as the papers were signed she was off learning how to tow a caravan without taking out other road users, jumping backwards off bungee platforms and lying in wait for dog walkers so she could fulfill her "Pat at Least 1 Dog a Day" quota.
She's now compiled a quirky collection of her experiences after divorcing her sofa (amicably) and hopes that these and her sometimes non-PC advice will help other ladies run away from their own sofas to a fabulously fulfilled life."