Writing Magazine from 2011 has been indexed


16 January 2012
imports_WRI_0-jk1vmzjx-100000_65610.jpg Writing Magazine from 2011 has been indexed
Regular reader Joanne Phillips has indexed a year's worth of WMs on her blog ...
Regular reader Joanne Phillips has indexed a year's worth of WMs on her blog

'When I’m not writing, or reading your magazine, I work as an indexer,' she writes, 'and every year I think how great it would be to have a comprehensive index of all the year’s copies of WM. The contents page is great, and most items are easy to find, but sometimes I just can’t remember which issue had that fascinating article on writing columns (June, pages 44–5), or that brilliant piece about Stephen Leather selling all those ebooks (September, pages 20–1). So this year I finally sat down and indexed a year’s worth of magazines, and the result is available for your readers to download for free at www.joannegphillips.wordpress.com/2012/01/15/writing-magazine-index-for-2011

'I really hope other readers find it as useful as I do, and thanks to WM for offering such an amazing array of interesting articles about every topic under the sun.'

We think this is a great idea - Joanne, you're a star. Thank you!
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