Vote for the oddest book title of the year


27 February 2015
imports_WRI_where-do-camels-belong-80186_30425.jpg Vote for the oddest book title of the year
The shortlist has been announced for the Diagram Prize for the Oddest Book Title and votes are invited for the winner ...
The shortlist has been announced for the Diagram Prize for the Oddest Book Title and votes are invited for the winner
The Booksellers/Diagram Prize for the Oddest Book Title of the Year has run annually since 1978, when it was dreamed up as an antidote to boredom at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
This year's peculiarly titled tomes are:
Advanced Pavement Research: Selected, Peer Reviewed Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Concrete Pavements Design, Construction, and Rehabilitation, Bo Tian (ed)
Divorcing a Real Witch: For Pagans and the People That Used to Love Them, Diana Rajchel
The Madwoman in the Volvo: My Year of Raging Hormones, Sandra Tsing Loh
Nature's Nether Regions, Menno Schilthuizen
Strangers Have the Best Candy, Margaret Meps Schulte
• The Ugly Wife is a Treasure at Home, Melissa Margaret Schneider
• Where do Camels Belong?, Ken Thompson

Voting for the Diagram Prize is open until 27 March - which title gets your vote?

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