25 March 2011
Liverpool-based new author Mark Porter has secured publication of his debut novel Dogs Chase Cars, by US indies Drugstore Books. ...
Liverpool-based subscriber Mark Porter writes with good news of a debut publication.
‘In March of this year an independent American publisher, www.drugstorebooks.com will issue my first novel Dogs Chase Cars.
‘Drugstore are akin to a small independent record label. Their ethos is to promote quirky fiction that large publishers may have overlooked. They are not in this for profit, simply to spread the word. They are run by American writer Andrew Oberg, author of Randolph’s One Bedroom.
‘They use CreateSpace to publish and POD technology, which means that the benefits of self-publishing are there. However, my novel had to be accepted and went through an editorial process, this is not a vanity press and I have parted with no money. Drugstore are promoting me on their own website and have also invited me to submit regular blogs.
‘I used to be a stand-up comic but I became hooked on books after reading Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mocking Bird. It was always lurking in the back of my mind somewhere that I wanted to write a novel and I used a night shift in May-June of this year to get it underway. The first draft was completed in just under four months. Another five months or so have been spent re-drafting and editing.
‘Dogs Chase Cars is described by Drugstore as “a comedy with heart”. It concerns Horatio Goodman (Harry to his friends), a store detective who changes professions to private detective after a night on the couch. He is attempting to fix his marriage through therapy sessions with an ex-1970s glam rocker by the name of Caleb Pink. He shares his house with best friend and college lecturer/womaniser Lambert Windle.
‘My first review suggested that the book had many laugh out loud moments and was reminiscent of Carl Hiaasen. My influences are Joe R Lansdale, Hiaasen and more "literary" writers such as Michael Chabon.
‘I think of my work as “Belly laughs and Ballistics”.
‘Later in the year, Moscow Drive, the first in my Rifkin & Whelan Mersey Mojo chaotic comedy mystery thrillers will hopefully be published around November.
‘Anyone looking for more info can find me at www.markporter.weebly.com, www.drugstorebooks.com or befriend me on Crime Space.’