Theatre writing submissions: Football stories for Monkeywood Theatre


13 July 2015
imports_WRI_monkeywood-logo-1080x380-96655_38839.jpg Theatre writing submissions: Football stories for Monkeywood Theatre
Monkeywood Theatre, returing to The Lowry with By Far the Greatest Team, wants stories about football fandom in Manchester ...
Monkeywood Theatre, returing to The Lowry with By Far the Greatest Team, wants stories about football fandom in Manchester
Alongside the main production, a celebration of Manchester football fandom, Monkeywood Theatre will be performing Ten Tiny Plays About Football, and it invites contributions of 5-minute plays from Manchester City and Manchester United fans about what it is to be a football fan. Plays can take any form and should run for approximately five minutes.
There is no entry fee, and no fee for accepted writers.
Send plays by 27 July.

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