21 January 2019
The literary periodical is open for submissions of prose fiction and non-fiction until 21 February
The literary periodical is open for submissions of prose fiction and non-fiction until 21 February
Writers are invited to submit one piece of original, unpublished story or essay. There is no minimum or maximum length, but most of the pieces submitted to Granta are between 3,000 and 6,000 words. It's unlikely that a submission over 10,000 words will be read.
All submissions are considered for both Granta's print magazine and online editions unless submitting writers specifically state otherwise.
All submissions must be made through the online submission system before the 21 February closing date. The £3/$4 submission fee can be claimed against any new subscription to Granta.
Granta will next open for poetry submissions between 28 April and 28 May.
For full details see the website.
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