Short story competition: win radio broadcast


10 August 2015
imports_WRI_ciw-bannercopy-76648_40477.jpg Short story competition: win radio broadcast
Win €300 and radio broadcast in the Carried in Waves short story competition ...

Short stories of up to 3,000 words, from writers worldwide, are eligible for the Carried in Waves Short Story Competition.

For an entry fee of €10, you can submit a short story, up to 3,000 words. Stories can be "on any subject, in any style, by a writer of any age and of any nationality, living anywhere in the world". You may explore any themes but a shortlist of forty stories will be recorded for broadcast by University College, Cork, so keep it radio-friendly. Prizes are €300, €200 and €100.

The closing date is 30 September.

Enter online at the website





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