02 December 2019
Storgy's 2019 fiction contest invites irradiated stories for an anthology about the end of the world
The anthology will be divided into three sections: Beginning, During and After. Writers entering the competition will be randomly allocated one of the scenarios and sent an Annihilation Radiation pack. They will then write a short story relating to the scenario they've been allocated. Stories must be on the theme of annihilation but may be in any style, ie dramatic, thrilling, comic, terrifying...
The word count is up to 8,000.
There are prizes of £500, £100 and £50. All finalists will be published in the Annihilation Radiation anthology.
There is an entry fee of £10.
The closing date is 31 January.
For full details see the website.
Start strong with your spec-fic writing by following this advice from Nebula Award winning writer Jeff Vandermeer.