RJ Ellory banned from editing on Wikipedia


02 January 2013
imports_WRI_0-qy9df5sr-100000_79166.jpg RJ Ellory banned from editing on Wikipedia
The crime writer, who recently confessed to posting fake reviews online, has been banned from Wikipedia after being discovered altering his biography ...

The writer, who recently confessed to posting fake reviews online, has been banned from Wikipedia after being discovered altering his biography

On more than a dozen occasions, RJ Ellory tried to delete stories from his profile, including links to www.telegraph.co.uk.

Ellory was exposed last September for sock-puppeting - posting fake online reviews of his own books and those of other authors on Amazon. He subsequently apologised.

He was discovered attempting to amend the part of his Wikipedia entry that referred to the 'controversy.'

He is reported to have told moderators: 'My intent was merely to see that the information on my page - which is, after all, a representation of me and my life to the wider world - was not biased, inappropriate, incorrect and false.
'As far as this dispute is concerned, there is a significant matter of misrepresentation in the press regarding the extent to which I had manufactured 'reviews' on amazon [sic].'

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