08 April 2021
The Beaver Trust has launched a new eco-poetry competition in association with Resurgence & Ecologist magazine
For the inaugural competition, which will be judged by Terry Gifford, poems are invited on any aspect of nature and the ecological emergency. All the funds raised by the competition will be used to support the work of the Beaver Trust.
Chris Jones, Director at Beaver Trust explains: 'Beavers are the quintessential natural engineer. Their activities create water, habitat and food for a very wide range of animals and birds that spreads beyond water courses; they reduce downstream flood risk; they make the land more resilient to drought and their dams collect silt and pollutants. Beaver Trust has the mission of restoring Britain's rivers and their wildlife with beavers. We work with landowners, communities, businesses, other NGOs, Government departments and agencies to restore the species.'
There is a £150 first prize, and second and third prizes of £50 and £25. There is a special £100 prize for the best poem about beavers, and a plasticine beaver made by renowned Aardman sculptor Jim Parkyn. The winning entry will be published in the print edition of Resurgence & Ecologist, and the other prize-winning poems will be published online. All winners will be invited to visit the Cornwall Beaver Project for a guided beaver walk.
The entry fee is £4 for the first poem and £3 for any subsequent poems.
The closing date is 31 May.
For full details see the website.
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