01 February 2012
Bestselling Brazilian author Paulo Coelho is collaborating with an arts initiative from file-sharing site The Pirate Bay ...
Bestselling Brazilian author Paulo Coelho is collaborating with an arts initiative from file-sharing site The Pirate Bay
On 28 January, The Alchemist author wrote on his blog, in a post entitled Promo Bay, that as soon as he heard of The Pirate Bay's system, which links to participationg artists' work, he decided to join in.
'Several of my books are there, and as I said in a previous post, My thoughts on SOPA, the physical sales of my books are growing since my readers post them in P2P sites,' he wrote.
He continued: 'Welcome to download my books for free and, if you enjoy them, buy a hard copy – the way we have to tell to the industry that greed leads to nowhere.'
He signed himself 'Pirate Coelho.'
Website: http://paulocoelhoblog.com
On 28 January, The Alchemist author wrote on his blog, in a post entitled Promo Bay, that as soon as he heard of The Pirate Bay's system, which links to participationg artists' work, he decided to join in.
'Several of my books are there, and as I said in a previous post, My thoughts on SOPA, the physical sales of my books are growing since my readers post them in P2P sites,' he wrote.
He continued: 'Welcome to download my books for free and, if you enjoy them, buy a hard copy – the way we have to tell to the industry that greed leads to nowhere.'
He signed himself 'Pirate Coelho.'
Website: http://paulocoelhoblog.com
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