12 November 2012
The party book for which Penguin paid a £400,000 advance sold only 2,189 copies in its first week on sale ...
The party book for which Penguin paid a £400,000 advance sold only 2,189 copies in its first week on sale
It put Celebrate: A Year of Festivities for Families and Friends, Pippa's 416-page party-planning guide, at No 185 in that week's bestseller charts.
In its second week, it sold 2,747 copies.
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'It has been a crazy couple of years since my sister's wedding but it's had its upsides and downsides,' said Pippa, who is celebrated for her backside, at the book's London launch. 'I just feel really fortunate to be able to build a career as a writer.'
Celebrate has not pleased critics, who have commented on the banality of its content.