06 October 2011
Can't face a walk to the shops in today's high winds to buy the latest issue of Writing Magazine? It's now available for download in app form ...
Can't face a walk to the shops in today's high winds to buy the latest issue of Writing Magazine? It's now available for download in app form
The November issue includes an in-depth overview on writing like Roald Dahl, advice on writing short stories that make editors say yes!, a guide to writing family history, information about avoiding vanity publishers and a star interview with Mavis Cheek - and you can read it all onscreen on Macs, PCs, iPods and iPhones for just £2.99 for the issue.
Download it here: http://www.pocketmags.com/viewmagazine.aspx?titleid=567&title=Writing+Magazine
The November issue includes an in-depth overview on writing like Roald Dahl, advice on writing short stories that make editors say yes!, a guide to writing family history, information about avoiding vanity publishers and a star interview with Mavis Cheek - and you can read it all onscreen on Macs, PCs, iPods and iPhones for just £2.99 for the issue.
Download it here: http://www.pocketmags.com/viewmagazine.aspx?titleid=567&title=Writing+Magazine
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