Non-fiction competition: The Observer/Anthony Burgess Prize for Arts Journalism 2025


27 January 2025
Win a £3,000 first prize for new writing on the arts

The Observer/Anthony Burgess Prize for Arts Journalism is an annual competition for arts reviewers.

The first prize is £3,000 and publication in the Observer. Two runners up each get £500.

To enter, send an original, unpublished 800-word review of new work in the arts (ie, work produced since 1 January 2024). Subjects might include an album, book, concert, exhibition, film, play, live stream, social media entertainment, TV show, or any other artform or cultural activity that offers the opportunity to write a lively, thoughtful piece.

The entry fee is £10. There is a free-entry scheme for writers on low incomes.

The closing date is 28 February.

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For full details see the website.


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