Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook book club


05 January 2015
imports_WRI_facebook-91401_27744.jpg Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook book club
The Facebook founder is going to make 2015 A Year of Books ...

The Facebook founder is going to make 2015 A Year of Books
Every two weeks, Mark Zuckerberg has said he intends to read a new book, with 'the emphasis on learning about different cultures, beliefs, history and technology.'
On his own Facebook page, he says he is 'looking forward to shifting more of my media diet towards reading books.'
He has created a special page for the reading challenge, A Year of Books, where he will post what he is reading and invites discussions about the featured books. The first title is The End of Power by Moisés Naím.
Suggestions for new books are welcomed.




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