Jonny Geller tells publishing industry not to sideline authors


20 March 2012
imports_WRI_0-gemcq267-100000_68752.jpg Jonny Geller tells publishing industry not to sideline authors
The leading agent has issued a pro-author manifesto calling on publishers to remember the rights of authors ...

The leading agent has issued a pro-author manifesto calling on publishers to remember the rights of authors

In An Agent's Manifesto, published on The Booksellers' blog, Geller writes: 'It feels like a perfect storm is brewing; publishers battening down the hatches, retailers at war with one another, e-tailers deactivating “buy” buttons as if it’s a game of Call of Duty.

'One person has been forgotten in this unholy maelstrom: the author. Remember, we don’t have a job without him or her.'

He then goes on to outline reasons for the publishing industry to place the author at the centre of their work.

You can read the full manifesto here:

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