Iron Press wants your limericks


07 February 2014
imports_WRI_0-vijzpe55-100000_08779.gif Iron Press wants your limericks
Place-name limerick submissions are invited for a new anthology, Limerick Nation ...

Place-name limerick submissions are invited for a new anthology, Limerick Nation
All submissions should be unpublished limericks from poets living in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and should have the name of the poet's vilalge, town, city, district or county as the first word of the last line.
Iron Press will publish Limerick Nation this autumn. Contributing poets will each get two copies.
All submissions must be made by post. The name of the place at the end of the first line must match the address on the SAE. The closing date is 1 March.

Or why not tell you this way, with our apologies to Edward Lear and everyone else?
An anthology, Limerick Nation
Seeks verse for publication
It needs your address
It can't be a mess
Why not write it on your vacation?



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