Humour writing contest: To Hull and Back Short Story Competition 2023


18 May 2023
Enter funny short stories to win a £1,200 first prize

The competition is open internationally and is for short stories with a humorous twist up to 2,500 words. Stories may be in any style or genre as long as they are funny in some way. Stories may be written for adults or children.

There are cash prizes, with the writer of the winning story receiving £1,200. The second prize is £600 and the third, £300. Three highly commended writers will each get £150, and 14 shortlisted writers get £75. All the winners will be published in the To Hull and Back Short Story Anthology. The cover design of this will feature the face of the winner. Author Christopher Fielden will then strap the anthology to the front of his Harley Davidson and ride the book to Hull and back.

Christopher Fielden has been runnning the To Hull and Back Short Story Competition since 2014. The competition is biennial.

The entry fee is £15 for one story, £24 for two and £30 for three.

The closing date is 30 June.

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For full details see the website.


If you're interested in writing funny stories, check out these top ten comedy writing tips from the experts.