Enter the Cork Literary Review Poetry Manuscript Competition 2014


07 July 2014
imports_WRI_0-qjjffuoo-100000_19062.jpg Enter the Cork Literary Review Poetry Manuscript Competition 2014
The prize in the international poetry contest includes publication of a first collection ...

The prize in the international poetry contest includes publication of a first collection
The competition's purpose is to publish a first collection by an emerging poet. The overall winner and two runners-up will have their work published in Cork Literary Review.
Poets should initially submit 5-10 of their best poems, which must be original and not previously published as part of a full manuscript. Individual poems may have been published in journals or entered in competitions as long as the poet holds copyright.
The competition will be judged by poet Joseph Woods. There is a €20 registration fee.
The closing date is 21 July.




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