Enter grammatical howlers for The Idler's Bad Grammar Awards


28 March 2013
imports_WRI_0-u3ioexpe-100000_83472.jpg Enter grammatical howlers for The Idler's Bad Grammar Awards
Launching this year, The Idler's Bad Grammar Awards will be an annual prize which will showcase and shame grammatical gaffes

Launching this year, The Idler's Bad Grammar Awards will be an annual prize which will showcase and shame grammatical gaffes

It is being set up to celebrate the publication by Ebury Press of Gwynne's Grammar, originally published by The Idler.

If you've spotted any particularly heinous examples of grammatically incorrect writing from official communications - corporate, political, advertising, etc - The Idler would love to get them. Misplaced apostrophes, sentences wihout verbs and malapropisms are all welcome.

Entries may be from any official communication, and should be under 300 words.

Send them to Victoria Hull at [email protected].

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The closing date for nominations for The Idler Bad Grammar Awards is 18 April.


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