06 November 2012
Writer and WM subscriber Joanne Phillips has indexed all the features from this year's issues - thank you Joanne! ...
Writer and WM subscriber Joanne Phillips has indexed all the features from this year's issues - thank you Joanne!
'Every year I compile an index for Writing Magazine – the UK’s best magazine for all things writing. I love writing, and I love indexing, so I do this purely for fun and to provide a resource for fellow fans of the magazine. I always keep my copies, and often want to refer back to an article which has stuck in my mind. Now you don’t have to scramble though 12 editions – just download my index and you should be able to find exactly what you need,' writes Joanne on her blog.
What a valuable resource, and a generous impulse.
Get it from Joanne's site, or download a Word docx or pdf version here.
If you go through the index and find you've missed any features that might be particularly useful to you, you can download our app, where we've got all the back issues from this year for only £2.99 each.
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