25 June 2012
Unbound Live! will see four authors compete in front of an audience to get their book published at Birmingham Library Theatre on 10 July ...
Unbound Live! will see four authors compete in front of an audience to get their book published at Birmingham Library Theatre on 10 July
Unbound launched last year as a new type of publishing platform, where authors crowd-source funds to get their books published. So far fifteen books have raised sufficient funds via pledges to get published.
The four authors appearing at Ubound Live! - George Chopping, Stevyn Colgan, Robert Llewellyn and Adrian Teal - will be pitching their ideas and asking audience members to pledge support for the book idea they'd like to see in print.
'Unbound is a simple idea – by putting readers and writers in direct contact, we believe we'll end up with books that writers want to write and that readers really want to read. And there's no better way of testing the concept than by doing it live, and no better place to do it in than in libraries, the engine rooms of reading across the UK,' said John Mitchinson, publisher and co-founder of Unbound.
Unbound Live! is run by the Reading Agency in partnership with Unbound and Birmingham Libraries. It will take place between 7pm and 9pm on 10 July. Attendance is free but tickets must be booked in advance. To book, email Nikki Bi, [email protected]
Website: http://unbound.co.uk