Creative writing competitions: Arena Fantasy Magazine


14 October 2021
Win publication and cash prizes for themed fantasy stories

Arena Fantasy Magazine is inviting entries for its current creative writing contests.

• Forbidden Friendship Challenge: enter stories up to 4,000 words based on this premise: You're a young royal in disguise who befriends a villager with a scarred face. The next day, he's arrested for stealing something you gave to him. Saving his life will mean risking everything. There are prizes of £100 and £50 and the winners will be published. The entry fee is £10 and the closing date is 25 November.

• 2K Flash: Enter stories up to 2,000 words on this premise: On the edge of town is a giant and fierce-looking beast but is actually quite friendly. When strange occurrences start happening in the town, the beast is prime suspect. Can you protect the beast and clear its name? The winner receives £20 and publication. The entry fee is £2 and the closing date is 1 December.

• The 300: For fantasy or medieval-based fiction up to 300 words. The first prize is an annual subscription to AFM. The entry fee is £1 and the closing date is 1 December.

For full details see the website.

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