Creative writing competition: The Page is Printed 2024


05 December 2023
The competition from Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre is for any creative writing that fits on a single side of A4

Entries for The Page is Printed might be letters, short stories, poems, shopping lists, or any kind of bold, imaginative creative writing. The judges will be looking for work that comes alive when it is read out.

The prizes are: The Somerset Prize: £100, Somerset Under 18s 3 x £25; Open Prize: £100, OPen Unders 18s 2 x £25; Best on the Night: £25, £25 U18.

The entry fee is £5 for a single entry or £10 for three entries. Under 18s get one free entry. The fee includes a free ticket to the Celebration Evening on 10 Feb.

The closing date is 14 January.

For full details see the website.

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