12 December 2021
The international prize for emerging novelists has a £3,000 prize
The annual Bath Novel Award is given for novels in any genre for adults or young adults. Entries may be unpublished, self published or independently published.
The 2022 judge is literary agent Nelle Andrew. The winner will receive £3,000. Shortlisted writers will get manuscript feedback and literary agent introductions. The writer of the most promising longlisted novel, as judged by Cornerstones Literary Consultancy, will get a free place on the 18-week online course Edit Your Novel the Professional Way.
Writers entering the competition may be agented or unagented, but writers who have accepted an offer of publication that includes an advance for the submitted novel or any other novel are not eligible.
To enter, send the first 5,000 words of a novel manuscript of at least 50,000 words, plus a one-page synopsis.
The entry fee is £29 per novel. Sponsored places are available for writers on a low income.
The closing date is 31 May 2022.
For full details see the website.
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