Comedy submissions: BBC Comedy Script Room submission window


28 March 2017
bbcwritersroom-93908.jpg BBC Writersroom
The BBC Comedy Script Room will be accepting new work between 17 April and 15 May


The BBC Comedy Script Room will be accepting new work between 17 April and 15 May

Submit new funny scripts between 30 and 90 minutes. All scripts submitted are guaranteed to have a reading of at least the first ten pages. For the first time, writers can nominate which ten consecutive pages they should be.

Writers whose scripts are successfully selected by BBC Writersroom producers will be invited to join Comedy Room 2017, a six-month development programme.

The BBC Comedy Script Room will accept scripts written for film, TV, radio, stage, online and children's TV/radio.

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The submission window will open on 17 April and close on 15 May.



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