12 May 2020
Mitzi Szereto is inviting non-fiction true crime for an anthology of Well-Mannered Crooks, Rogues & Criminals
'Good manners and polite behavior don’t usually spring to mind when we think of criminals,' said author and anthology editor Mitzi. 'Yet some of the most beloved criminals in books and film have been the ones who broke the mold: the smooth-talking charmers, the underdogs, the rebels with a cause. Their polite manners, their adherence to a cause, their code of ethics that often makes sense only to themselves—this is what sets them apart from the rest. These are the types of criminals I’m interested in. Con artists, embezzlers, fraudsters, mobsters, burglars, garden-variety robbers and thieves, plus anything else that might fit the bill. For this third volume in my series, I’m aiming to provide a lighter and more entertaining read with less of an emphasis on violent crime and murder.'
Submit true-crime non fiction between 4,000 and 7,000 words. Subjects may be well-known or lesser-known. Obscure subjects are welcome. All stories should take a new angle or be written from a fresh perspective. First-person accounts from writers with connections to the story are welcomed. All material must be accurate and meticulously fact-checked.
Writers are advised to contact Mitzi in the instance to pitch storylines. She will be selecting material on an ongoing basis.
Each accepted writer will receive a fee of $130 and two print copies of the book. The Best New True Crime Stories: Well-Mannered Crooks, Rogues & Criminals will be published by Mango Publishing Group USA.
The final deadline is 15 September.
For full details see the website.
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