How to write fiction

Under the Microscope extra: The Sensitives
A reader's novel opening goes under the editorial microscope

07 January 2022

Read more, write better - Writing Magazine bonus content, January 2022
Background reading, exclusive new book extracts and more to complement your…

19 November 2021

Under the Microscope extra: Hugh
A reader's novel opening goes under the editorial microscope

19 November 2021

Read more, write better - Writing Magazine bonus content, December 2021
Background reading, exclusive new book extracts and more to complement your…

02 November 2021

Under the Microscope extra: Charlie
A reader's novel opening goes under the editorial microscope

02 November 2021

Read more, write better - Writing Magazine bonus content, November 2021
Background reading, exclusive new book extracts and more to complement your…

04 October 2021

Under the Microscope extra: Language, Liberated
A reader's novel opening goes under the editorial microscope

25 August 2021

Crime writing: Turning fact into fiction
Author Joe Thomas describes how real-life events create the backdrop for his São…

25 June 2021

Read more, write better - Writing Magazine bonus content, August 2021
Background reading, exclusive new book extracts and more to complement your…

23 June 2021

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