
Writing Magazine Creative Writing Courses


Writing Magazine creative writing courses offer aspiring and published writers personalised writing courses in nine different subjects. Whether you write for pleasure or profit, we have the expertise and guidance you need to help you become a better writer. To discuss how we can help you, call today on 0113 200 2917 or book your course online Writing Magazine subscribers receive a 10% discount on any of our courses Flexibility - With two years to complete your course you should never feel under pressure to meet deadlines Personal Tutor - Your assignments are set to your personal requirements - it is not all textbook! Flexible Payment Plan  - Spread your payments over a 3-month interest-free period 21-day money-back guarantee Study by email or post ...

Writing Magazine creative writing courses offer aspiring and published writers personalised writing courses in nine different subjects.

Whether you write for pleasure or profit, we have the expertise and guidance you need to help you become a better writer. To discuss how we can help you, call today on 0113 200 2917 or book your course online

Writing Magazine subscribers receive a 10% discount on any of our courses

  • Flexibility - With two years to complete your course you should never feel under pressure to meet deadlines
  • Personal Tutor - Your assignments are set to your personal requirements - it's not all textbook!
  • Flexible Payment Plan  - Spread your payments over a 3-month interest free period
  • 21-day money back guarantee
  • Study by email or post
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