Coffee break exercise: Applause


27 March 2020
Last night we clapped for the NHS. And today it's our creative writing prompt.

In your life, who deserves applause, today? It might well be the NHS, the key workers and checkout operators and delivery drivers that are keeping our country running during this crisis. Or the creative artists doing what they can to keep people engaged, online - often for free. But it might also be someone closer to home. Whoever it is that you think most deserves a round of applause, make a few notes: who it is, why they deserve it, what it means to you. Take a couple of minutes.

For the next 15-20 minutes, either write them a letter or a poem of thanks, or a short piece of fiction stemming from the theme and with a working title of Gratitude.


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How are you getting on, writing in isolation? Check out this advice on keeping your creativity alive in difficult circumstances.