45 Master Characters


18 June 2012
imports_WRI_0-6i52txhp-100000_82339.jpg 45 Master Characters
Characterisation can be the most important skill for fiction writers, if only because it is character that drives stories forward. But where do a writer's characters come from? They are often based on people whom the writer knows, but such characters often fail to be sufficiently powerful to drive a story. So the best way to develop unforgettable characters, argues Victoria Lynn Schmidt, is to explore the character profiles of archetype characters derived from the mythic cross-cultural models from which all characters originate. ...

Characterisation can be the most important skill for fiction writers, if only because it is character that drives stories forward. But where do a writer’s characters come from? They are often based on people whom the writer knows, but such characters often fail to be sufficiently powerful to drive a story. So the best way to develop unforgettable characters, argues Victoria Lynn Schmidt, is to explore the character profiles of archetype characters derived from the mythic cross-cultural models from which all characters originate.

Archetypes, as this book shows, are the blueprints for building well defined characters, and they are not the same as stereotypes which are just oversimplified generalisations. Basing your characters on archetypes, as the book shows, helps you develop well-rounded characters who will bring your stories alive.

The book also explains how to develop your character arcs by exploring the mythic journeys which character archetypes undertake. This is about making your stories more compelling through character arc and story narrative.

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