The Writer's Group Handbook


18 July 2014
imports_WRI_0-unkgzc2u-100000_89326.jpg The Writer's Group Handbook
Thinking of setting, or perhaps joining, a writers’ group? This book has a good deal of practical advice on setting things up: how to find a location, how to launch your first meeting, how to generate publicity, and how to recruit potential members. ...

Thinking of setting, or perhaps joining, a writers’ group (or writers’ circle, or whatever you want to call it)? Whatever it is called, it should be a group in which members meet with fellow writers for mutually supportive discussion.  
Of course there is a lot more to I than that, especially if you are thinking of starting a new group.  Julie Phillips has a good deal of practical advice on setting things up: how to find a location, how to launch your first meeting, how to generate publicity, and how to recruit potential members. That’s a lot of ‘hows’ and the help you will need in getting them sorted is one good reason for Julie’s book.

But even if your group is up and running, Julie can still help with many suggestions for group activities and for ways to keep meetings fresh and interesting. And certainly what she has to say will give insights and understanding to any writer thinking of joining a group.

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