Self Publishing The Essential Guide


25 November 2012
imports_WRI_0-qn23mhzf-100000_85569.jpg Self Publishing The Essential Guide
If you are thinking of self-publishing then you are faced by a host of questions. Samantha Pearce’s book guides you through all these questions as well as many other problems: how to fix your cover price, how to tackle sales and marketing, how to get the ideal cover design, etc. ...

If you are thinking of self-publishing then you are faced by a host of questions, and perhaps the first three are: do you have the time to produce and market your book?; is your book best suited to the self-publishing route?; do you need to employ a self-publishing service company? Samantha Pearce’s book guides you through all these questions as well as many other problems: how to fix your cover price, how to tackle sales and marketing, how to get the ideal cover design, and so forth. A self-publishing support company will undertake, under your immediate direction, all the mechanical aspects of your book’s production. They can save you a lot of time, but they can also be expensive. Samantha Pearce’s advice can guide you to making the decision either to enlist such support or to go it alone. But when it comes to the all-important selling and marketing, you are certainly on your own – although you do have Samantha’s book there to help.


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