Get Writing Childrens Fiction


13 September 2013
imports_WRI_0-88wxudqd-100000_87617.jpg Get Writing Childrens Fiction
This book features a lot of helpful advice about finding your publisher, from writing your proposal and synopsis through to assessing your publishing options. If you want to be published as a children's writer, or you are already published and want to see more of your work in print, this is the practical guide you need. ...

The thrust of Karen King’s book is that children’s writing should respond to two markets: one, the demands of its young readers; two the requirements of the publishing industry. Achieving these two things is by no means impossible if you follow the advice in her Get Writing Children’s Fiction. Her book guides you through the art of developing believable and well-targeted characters who, largely through the use of skilfully crafted dialogue, drive an interesting plot forward. At the same time, the writer needs to recognise the demands of the publishers, and this can be achieved by research the Karen King way.

Ms King also has a lot of helpful advice about finding your publisher, from writing your proposal and synopsis through to assessing your publishing options. If you want to be published as a children’s writer, or you are already published and want to see more of your work in print, this is the practical guide you need.

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