Writing for children prize: Searchlight Awards Best Children's Picture Book Text 2024


23 June 2024
Searchlight Writing for Children Awards invite entries of picture book manuscripts by unpublished writers

To enter, submit the complete manuscript of a picture book (no longer than 1,000 words) and a short pitch (maximum 125 words). Entries are welcomed from unpublished and unagented writers all over the world.

The top ten entries will feature in Searchlight's Pitch Book of winning stories, which is sent to an extensive list of literary agents and publishers who have requested it. The first prize winner will receive £50o and a one-to-one call with the agent judge. The second-placed winner will receive a detailed editorial review by Natasha Biebow, founder of Blue Elephant Storyshaping. Winners will be chosen by Lorna Hemingway of Bell Lomax Moreton.

The entry fee is £12.

The closing date is 1 September.

For full details see the website.

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