Tweet a pitch: Curtis Brown and Conville & Walsh launch #PitchCB


22 July 2015
imports_WRI_tweetpitch-51394_39650.jpg Tweet a pitch: Curtis Brown and Conville & Walsh launch #PitchCB
Unpublished writers can approach agents via Twitter on the first #PitchCB day, on Friday, 24 July ...
Unpublished writers can approach agents via Twitter on the first #PitchCB day, on Friday 24 July
Each #PitchCB event will take place on the fourth Friday of the month, and will run for 24 hours. To take part, tweet your one-line pitch in 140 characters to #PitchCB. Only tweet the pitch once. Pitches may be for fiction or non-fiction
If an agent from Curtis Brown or Conville & Walsh favourites your tweet, submit directly to that agent following the submission guidelines on the website.

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