Shortlist revealed for first James Tait Black Prize for Drama


13 June 2013
imports_WRI_0-2njpbjga-100000_87050.gif Shortlist revealed for first James Tait Black Prize for Drama
Launched last year, the new theatre prize is worth £10,000 to the winner ...
Launched last year, the new theatre prize is worth £10,000 to the winner
The new award, from the University of Edinburgh in partnership with the National Theatre of Scotland and in association with the Traverse Theatre, is for a play that displays an original theatrical voice.
The shortlist is:
In Water I'm Weightless, Kaite O'Reilly (produced by National Theatre Wales)
The Hundred Flowers Project, Christopher Chen (produced with Crowded Fire Theatre and Playwrights Foundation)
The Effect, Lucy Prebble (produced by Headlong and The National Theatre)
Foxfinder, Dawn King (presented at the Finborough Theatre as part of the Papatango New Writing Festival)
The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning, Tim Price (produced by National Theatre Wales)
A reading of the successful play will be produced on 5 August by the National Theatre of Scotland at Edinburgh's Traverse Theatre.

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