Plan your competition year with the new issue of Writing Magazine!


07 September 2017
October-2017-25163.jpg WM Oct 2018
In shops today, the latest Writing Magazine includes the FREE Competition Guide 2018, with over £430,000 to be won in writing prizes


In shops today, the latest Writing Magazine includes the FREE Competition Guide 2018, with over £430,000 to be won in writing prizes

The Competition Guide includes more than 230 writing competitions with closing dates up to June 2018. We also preview Writing Magazine's open and subscriber-only competitions so you can plan ahead to make your entries the best they can be, and you can read the winning entries in WM's exclusive competitions with the Battle of Britain Memorial Trust, Winchester Writers' Festival, Jane Austen bicentenary and Swanwick Writers' Summer School.

And we've another exclusive competition in the October issue – win a Lulu publishing package!

In the rest of the issue, read how far a writing competition can take you – for one writer, to the other side of the world!

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In our cover interview, Irish writing star Roddy Doyle talks about his new novel Smile, and 30 years of writing at the top of his game. So make sure you keep yourself at the top of your own writing game with the new issue of Writing Magazine – get it today!

The October issue in the shops today, or you can buy it in print and digital editions here.