Novel competition: win £1,000 for your unpublished novel


12 August 2015
imports_WRI_caledoniatrophy-53194_40675.jpg Novel competition: win £1,000 for your unpublished novel
Unpublished authors worldwide are eligible for the Caledonia Novel Award ...
Despite its name, the Edinburgh-based Caledonia Novel Award is open to unpublished authors worldwide. The winner will receive £1,000 and be judged by agent Kathryn Ross, of Fraser Ross Associates.

Entrants must not have been published, including self-published, or under contract for publication. Novels can be in any genre for adults or young adults and should be longer than 50,000 words. To enter, submit the first 20 pages and a 200-word synopsis. The entry fee is £20, and closing date, 1 November.

For more details and to enter, see the website.

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