Navigate your way through science fiction and fantasy


09 December 2011
imports_WRI_0-igrpdzbc-100000_64369.png Navigate your way through science fiction and fantasy
SF Signal has created a flow chart to guide readers to their ideal read from the top 100 sci-fi and fantasy novels of all time ...
SF Signal has created a flow chart to guide readers to their ideal read from the top 100 sci-fi and fantasy novels of all time

The books were selected by more than 60,000 voters who chosen their top sci fi and fantasy reads in a poll conducted by the USA's NPR (National Public Radio). SF Signal, a sci-fi and fantasy weblog, has compiled a most ingenious (and entertaining) flow chart to guide readers through the labyrinthine possibilities offered by speculative fiction. So if you've been longing for a post-modern mind-bender with added time-travel, or a totalitarian world with extra manufactured humans, SF Signal will help you on your way.

Writing Magazine has recently been sifting through entries for its science fiction short story competition, and will be printing the winner's entry in the May edition.

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