Nature writing opportunity: The Wildlife Trusts Summer anthology


03 February 2016
imports_WRI_summer-88310_50316.jpg Nature writing opportunity: The Wildlife Trusts Summer anthology
Submissions of pieces describing an element of summertime in the UK are invited for possible inclusion ...
Submissions of pieces describing an element of summertime in the UK are invited for possible inclusion
Summer is the second in four titles capturing the changing seasons through nature writing.
The books are published by Elliott & Thompson in conjunction with The Wildlife Trusts. Spring is published this month and Autumn and Winter anthologies will follow later in the year.
Submissions are invited of pieces betwen 800 and 1,200 words describing one element of UK summertime, whether on a Wildlife Trusts nature reserve or a personal experience from elsewhere.
Submissions are also welcome for the Autumn and Winter anthologies.
Accepted contributors receive copies but there is no payment.
The closing date for the Summer book is 14 February.
Email Jennie Condell with expressions of interest.

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